Optimal number of clusters obtained by combining mixture components
Return the optimal number of clusters by combining mixture components based on the entropy method discussed in the reference given below.
- object
An object of class
resulting from a call toclustCombi
.- reg
The number of parts of the piecewise linear regression for the entropy plots. Choose 2 for a two-segment piecewise linear regression model (i.e. 1 change-point), and 3 for a three-segment piecewise linear regression model (i.e. 3 change-points).
- plot
Logical, if
an entropy plot is also produced.- ...
Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
The function returns a list with the following components:
- numClusters.combi
The estimated number of clusters.
- z.combi
A matrix whose [i,k]th entry is the probability that observation i in the data belongs to the kth cluster.
- cluster.combi
The clustering labels.
J.-P. Baudry, A. E. Raftery, G. Celeux, K. Lo and R. Gottardo (2010). Combining mixture components for clustering. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 19(2):332-353.
output <- clustCombi(data = ex4.1)
combiOptim <- clustCombiOptim(output)
#> List of 3
#> $ numClusters.combi: int 4
#> $ z.combi : num [1:600, 1:4] 1.00 1.00 5.78e-04 1.85e-42 3.85e-35 ...
#> $ cluster.combi : num [1:600] 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 ...
# plot optimal clustering with alpha color transparency proportional to uncertainty
zmax <- apply(combiOptim$z.combi, 1, max)
col <- mclust.options("classPlotColors")[combiOptim$cluster.combi]
vadjustcolor <- Vectorize(adjustcolor)
alphacol = (zmax - 1/combiOptim$numClusters.combi)/(1-1/combiOptim$numClusters.combi)
col <- vadjustcolor(col, alpha.f = alphacol)
plot(ex4.1, col = col, pch = mclust.options("classPlotSymbols")[combiOptim$cluster.combi])