Random hierarchical structure
Create a hierarchical structure using a random hierarchical partition of the data.
- data
A numeric matrix or data frame of observations. If a matrix or data frame, rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables.
- seed
Optional single value, interpreted as an integer, specifying the seed for random partition.
- ...
Catches unused arguments in indirect or list calls via
A numeric two-column matrix in which the ith row gives the minimum index for observations in each of the two clusters merged at the
ith stage of a random agglomerative hierarchical clustering.
data <- iris[,1:4]
randPairs <- hcRandomPairs(data)
#> int [1:2, 1:149] 75 106 20 61 52 104 54 142 73 78 ...
#> - attr(*, "initialPartition")= int [1:150] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#> - attr(*, "dimensions")= num [1:2] 150 2
# start model-based clustering from a random partition
mod <- Mclust(data, initialization = list(hcPairs = randPairs))
#> ----------------------------------------------------
#> Gaussian finite mixture model fitted by EM algorithm
#> ----------------------------------------------------
#> Mclust VVV (ellipsoidal, varying volume, shape, and orientation) model with 2
#> components:
#> log-likelihood n df BIC ICL
#> -214.3547 150 29 -574.0178 -574.0191
#> Clustering table:
#> 1 2
#> 100 50