Missing data imputation via the mix package
Imputes missing data using the mix package.
imputeData(data, categorical = NULL, seed = NULL, verbose = interactive())
- data
A numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations containing missing values. Categorical variables are allowed. If a matrix or data frame, rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables.
- categorical
A logical vectors whose ith entry is
if the ith variable or column ofdata
is to be interpreted as categorical andFALSE
otherwise. The default is to assume that a variable is to be interpreted as categorical only if it is a factor.- seed
A seed for the function
that is used to initialize the random number generator in mix. By default, a seed is chosen uniformly in the interval(.Machine$integer.max/1024, .Machine$integer.max)
.- verbose
A logical, if
reports info about iterations of the algorithm.
# \donttest{
# Note that package 'mix' must be installed
data(stlouis, package = "mix")
# impute the continuos variables in the stlouis data
stlimp <- imputeData(stlouis[,-(1:3)])
# plot imputed values
imputePairs(stlouis[,-(1:3)], stlimp)
# }