Bootstrap Likelihood Ratio Test for the Number of Mixture Components
Perform the likelihood ratio test (LRT) for assessing the number of mixture components in a specific finite mixture model parameterisation. The observed significance is approximated by using the (parametric) bootstrap for the likelihood ratio test statistic (LRTS).
mclustBootstrapLRT(data, modelName = NULL, nboot = 999, level = 0.05, maxG = NULL,
verbose = interactive(), ...)
# S3 method for mclustBootstrapLRT
print(x, ...)
# S3 method for mclustBootstrapLRT
plot(x, G = 1, hist.col = "grey", hist.border = "lightgrey", breaks = "Scott",
col = "forestgreen", lwd = 2, lty = 3, main = NULL, ...)
- data
A numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations. Categorical variables are not allowed. If a matrix or data frame, rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables.
- modelName
A character string indicating the mixture model to be fitted. The help file for
describes the available models.- nboot
The number of bootstrap replications to use (by default 999).
- level
The significance level to be used to terminate the sequential bootstrap procedure.
- maxG
The maximum number of mixture components \(G\) to test. If not provided the procedure is stopped when a test is not significant at the specified
.- verbose
A logical controlling if a text progress bar is displayed during the bootstrap procedure. By default is
if the session is interactive, andFALSE
otherwise.- ...
Further arguments passed to or from other methods. In particular, see the optional arguments in
.- x
object.- G
A value specifying the number of components for which to plot the bootstrap distribution.
- hist.col
The colour to be used to fill the bars of the histogram.
- hist.border
The color of the border around the bars of the histogram.
- breaks
See the argument in function
.- col, lwd, lty
The color, line width and line type to be used to represent the observed LRT statistic.
- main
The title for the graph.
The implemented algorithm for computing the LRT observed significance using the bootstrap is the following.
Let \(G_0\) be the number of mixture components under the null hypothesis versus \(G_1 = G_0+1\) under the alternative. Bootstrap samples are drawn by simulating data under the null hypothesis. Then, the p-value may be approximated using eq. (13) on McLachlan and Rathnayake (2014). Equivalently, using the notation of Davison and Hinkley (1997) it may be computed as
$$\textnormal{p-value} = \frac{1 + \#\{LRT^*_b \ge LRTS_{obs}\}}{B+1}$$
\(B\) = number of bootstrap samples
\(LRT_{obs}\) = LRTS computed on the observed data
\(LRT^*_b\) = LRTS computed on the \(b\)th bootstrap sample.
An object of class 'mclustBootstrapLRT'
with the following components:
- G
A vector of number of components tested under the null hypothesis.
- modelName
A character string specifying the mixture model as provided in the function call (see above).
- obs
The observed values of the LRTS.
- boot
A matrix of dimension
x the number of components tested containing the bootstrap values of LRTS.- p.value
A vector of p-values.
Davison, A. and Hinkley, D. (1997) Bootstrap Methods and Their Applications. Cambridge University Press.
McLachlan G.J. (1987) On bootstrapping the likelihood ratio test statistic for the number of components in a normal mixture. Applied Statistics, 36, 318-324.
McLachlan, G.J. and Peel, D. (2000) Finite Mixture Models. Wiley.
McLachlan, G.J. and Rathnayake, S. (2014) On the number of components in a Gaussian mixture model. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 4(5), pp. 341-355.
# \donttest{
faithful.boot = mclustBootstrapLRT(faithful, model = "VVV")
#> -------------------------------------------------------------
#> Bootstrap sequential LRT for the number of mixture components
#> -------------------------------------------------------------
#> Model = VVV
#> Replications = 999
#> LRTS bootstrap p-value
#> 1 vs 2 319.065354 0.001
#> 2 vs 3 6.130516 0.560
plot(faithful.boot, G = 1)
plot(faithful.boot, G = 2)
# }