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Plots for semi-supervised classification based on Gaussian finite mixture models.


# S3 method for MclustSSC
plot(x, what = c("BIC", "classification", "uncertainty"), ...)



An object of class 'MclustSSC' resulting from a call to MclustSSC.


A string specifying the type of graph requested. Available choices are:

"BIC" =

plot of BIC values used for model selection, i.e. for choosing the model class covariances.

"classification" =

a plot of data with points marked based on the known and the predicted classification.

"uncertainty" =

a plot of classification uncertainty.

If not specified, in interactive sessions a menu of choices is proposed.


further arguments passed to or from other methods. See plot.Mclust.


Luca Scrucca

See also


X <- iris[,1:4]
class <- iris$Species
# randomly remove class labels
class[sample(1:length(class), size = 120)] <- NA
table(class, useNA = "ifany")
#> class
#>     setosa versicolor  virginica       <NA> 
#>         10         15          5        120 
clPairs(X, ifelse(, 0, class),
        symbols = c(0, 16, 17, 18), colors = c("grey", 4, 2, 3),
        main = "Partially classified data")

# Fit semi-supervised classification model
mod_SSC  <- MclustSSC(X, class)
summary(mod_SSC, parameters = TRUE)
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
#> Gaussian finite mixture model for semi-supervised classification 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
#>  log-likelihood   n df       BIC
#>        -193.521 150 38 -577.4461
#> Classes        n     % Model G
#>   setosa      10  6.67   VEV 1
#>   versicolor  15 10.00   VEV 1
#>   virginica    5  3.33   VEV 1
#>   <NA>       120 80.00        
#> Mixing probabilities:
#>     setosa versicolor  virginica 
#>  0.3333333  0.3876695  0.2789972 
#> Means:
#>              setosa versicolor virginica
#> Sepal.Length  5.006   6.055272  6.549251
#> Sepal.Width   3.428   2.828321  2.932692
#> Petal.Length  1.462   4.453865  5.534246
#> Petal.Width   0.246   1.396544  2.064307
#> Variances:
#> setosa 
#>              Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#> Sepal.Length   0.15368111  0.13158310  0.021865057 0.013501154
#> Sepal.Width    0.13158310  0.17948985  0.015459683 0.012186709
#> Petal.Length   0.02186506  0.01545968  0.029128899 0.006498098
#> Petal.Width    0.01350115  0.01218671  0.006498098 0.009759900
#> versicolor 
#>              Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#> Sepal.Length   0.29753053  0.10407744    0.2505462  0.07457733
#> Sepal.Width    0.10407744  0.10023478    0.1202666  0.05072488
#> Petal.Length   0.25054623  0.12026661    0.3560530  0.11652817
#> Petal.Width    0.07457733  0.05072488    0.1165282  0.06076865
#> virginica 
#>              Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#> Sepal.Length   0.46326081  0.07787790   0.34315068  0.06944725
#> Sepal.Width    0.07787790  0.08041718   0.05955965  0.05271723
#> Petal.Length   0.34315068  0.05955965   0.35468725  0.06589333
#> Petal.Width    0.06944725  0.05271723   0.06589333  0.06694996
#> Classification summary:
#>             Predicted
#> Class        setosa versicolor virginica
#>   setosa         10          0         0
#>   versicolor      0         15         0
#>   virginica       0          0         5
#>   <NA>           40         45        35

pred_SSC <- predict(mod_SSC)
table(Predicted = pred_SSC$classification, Actual = class, useNA = "ifany")
#>             Actual
#> Predicted    setosa versicolor virginica <NA>
#>   setosa         10          0         0   40
#>   versicolor      0         15         0   45
#>   virginica       0          0         5   35

plot(mod_SSC, what = "BIC")

plot(mod_SSC, what = "classification")

plot(mod_SSC, what = "uncertainty")